WOMen's Ministry

The purpose of the Women’s Ministry is for every woman to know Christ personally, love Him deeply, and be committed to extending His Kingdom in her life, home, church, community and world.  

If you would like to receive news on upcoming women’s events and opportunities, sign up for our Women’s Ministry E-mail Distribution List.

Coming Soon in Women's Ministry


Coming Soon in Women's Ministry 〰️

All women are encouraged to attend the next Common Thread on Thursday night, May 23rd from 7-9pm here at Redeemer. Consider inviting another woman or two to grab dinner with you ahead of time and then come join Redeemer Women for the special evening we are planning.

The Common Thread is the new name for the Women's Large Group Events that are held a couple of times a year at Redeemer. It is a night that we will focus on various topics that we as Christian women have in common. These nights can include various elements such as testimonies, conversations or panel discussions depending on what is fitting with our topic.

Women who plan to come to The Common Thread need not bring anything, just themselves and no need to R.S.V.P. 

This Summer!

Plan on being a part of one of our Women's Summer Book Clubs which run in the months of June and July. Book selections can be found on our book club page! Click below to check them out. Sign-ups will begin soon!

If you have any questions, please contact Kristin by emailing ksigalas@redeemerathens.com

Moms of children 4-years-old and under are invited to join other Redeemer moms THIS THURSDAY, MAY 9TH.  This is the start of a group which will meet in a home together for a discussion of "Shepherding a Child's Heart."  Additionally, there will be a separate gathering, May 16th, that is a playgroup at a local park. If you would like to be part of these gatherings, please contact Danielle Hulsey at daniellehulsey@gmail.com. Danielle will write back to you with all of the details. 


Kristin Sigalas


Kristin has had the privilege of working at Redeemer since 2001. She and her husband George were born and raised in California, came to Athens in 1992 because of UGA, but were so taken with the town and people that they made it their home. She loves the planning and adventures of travel, a good conversation over strong black coffee or tea, and listening to people's stories, good jokes or puns.

Email Kristin

Anne Poss

Teaching & Training

Anne Poss is a high school administrator and earned her MABS from Reformed Theological Seminary. Anne loves Crossfit and good conversations with friends.

Email Anne