

We desire Redeemer to be a place of gospel rest and processing for students amidst the pressures of college life—academic, relational, intellectual, spiritual, etc. The gospel speaks into our entire beings, bringing rest and restoration into broken places. We are a multi-generational church and welcome you to join us for Worship and into our family! UGA students from every kind of background find Redeemer & RUF (our college ministry) to be a place of rest in the pressure cooker of college life— a place of rich growth in their relationship with God and friends, and a place where lives and struggles are shared together in honest community.  

There is a place for you here and we look forward to knowing you during your time in Athens. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “I’m only in Athens for the fall and spring semesters each year, is it even worth it to get involved in a church?” We wholeheartedly believe the answer is YES.

We’d love to have you join one of our Community Groups, sign-up for the weekly email, and of course— come to RUF on Wednesday nights.

Upcoming Events



Want to get connected to the people at Redeemer?

Get to know a Redeemer family at their home one Sunday each month with a free lunch. All college and graduate students are welcome.

Look for the address and date on our events page!



1255 Double Oak Dr, Good Hope GA 30641

Google Maps Does Not Work! Follow Instructions Below:

  • Follow google maps to Jones Wood Road (off of 186) and turn right.

  • Take your next right onto AB Martin road, which is a dirt road.

  • Go 1.2 miles.

  • After the group of mailboxes for 1255 and 1265, turn right. This our shared driveway. Pass a gray house on your left, then you will see a white farm house with a red barn. Veer right onto our driveway and wind around until you see us! You will dead end at our house.

Feel free to call Matt Siple // 706-714-9916 or Nan Siple // 706-714-7778 for help!



RUF meets in the Redeemer sanctuary on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm.

RUF is truly a community that meets you right where you are ("convinced" or "unconvinced", lost or found, burned or bored, cynical or spiritual, passionate or stagnant), but doesn't leave you stuck there. Why? Because God is a God who meets us where we are but never leaves us stuck there. So come as you are to explore Christianity and grow in your understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow him alongside others at UGA.

If you would like to learn more about RUF and how you might get involved with the ministry, feel free to contact our Campus Ministers & interns, or visit the RUF at UGA website.


Ben Coppedge, RUF Minister



Many nations are here that are closed or difficult places for American Christians to go. RUF-International is the church welcoming the nations. We partner with our local PCA churches to bring the gospel to our children and "all who are far off"... all whom the Lord our God will call. (Acts 2:39) Yet, 80% of international students are never invited to an American home, much less a Christian home.

For Christ’s glory among the nations, we have equipped multitudes of Christians and have partnered with 5 area PCA churches - to build friendships within the international community by on and off-campus ministries that fulfill these three goals:

  1. Welcome Scholars from all Nations: God's Sovereignty and Biblical Hospitality

  2. Encourage international scholars to explore the way of Jesus Christ.

  3. Equipping Christian internationals to be servant-leaders for God’s kingdom.

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. (Psalm 67:1-2)


Jeff Thompson, RUF-International Minister