In our K5-5th grade ministry, we pray that the children who pass through our doors come to know and believe the Lord's love for them, and that they grow into faithful followers of Jesus Christ as their as Lord and Savior. We're honored to be a part of helping parents as they raise their kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and we want to help elementary-aged kids delight in God's amazing plan to rescue his people through his Son.

We'd love for your children to learn and grow through weekly Sunday School (9:15-10:15 each Sunday morning on the RedeemerKids hallway). Taught at age-appropriate levels, with lessons from Genesis to Revelation, our RedeemerKids Sunday School classes are led by gifted adults who love the Lord Jesus. Please join us, and then stay as a family and be part of Redeemer’s worship service – participating in corporate worship with your kids is so valuable!


  • What is Sunday School like?

    Sunday School is fabulous! Children, K5-5th grade, are taught by gifted, caring teachers at age-appropriate levels in classes with their peers. From Genesis to Revelation, we want to help children see both our personal need for a Savior, and God’s unfolding plan through all of history to send Jesus Christ as our Savior. 

    We’d love for your children to join us! You're also always welcome to stay and observe your child's class. 9:15-10:15 each Sunday on the children’s hallway. (And there are Sunday School classes for all other ages in your family, too.)

  • What is communicants class?

    Our communicants class provides an opportunity for parents to interact with their children about the important aspects of their profession of faith in Christ, and to educate their kids about the church and its ministry, theology, sacraments and the role each plays in their lives.

    Separate sessions of the communicants class meet twice a year for a 6-week set of review classes during the Sunday School hour.

    Communicants class sessions begin in early-fall and early-spring each year. 

    There is always a parent informational meeting first, with the kid's classes starting a couple of weeks later.

    When the children meet, they've worked through a lesson with their parents ahead of time, and they then join in the class review of that lesson with our Family Pastor. 

  • Do K5-5th grade kids go to the worship service? 

    During worship, infants through 3-year-olds are cared for in our nursery, and 4-year-olds join a Prep for Worship class during worship (directions for taking your child to this class are in each week's bulletin). 

    Then, when children enter K5, they join us in our worship service. We love for kids to sing, pray, and hear scripture preached right along with the adults. For younger children who are adjusting to being in worship, we offer coloring-sheet and crayon packets during the service: you can find those in the baskets on the shelf on the back wall of the sanctuary.

  • How do I learn more about upcoming RedeemerKids events?

    There are a number of ways:

    • You can follow the link on this page to our RedeemerKids yearly calendar

    • Details will also appear on this page as the date for each activity draws near. 

    • You can go sign up for our church-wide weekly newsletter. 

      RedeemerKids upcoming activities and sign-up links will always be found there. 

    • Or contact Jill Brannen our Children's Ministry Director.

  • What's a Parking Lot Social?

    Every once in a while, you'll see our RedeemerKids Parking Lot Socials advertised in the worship-service bulletin. Parking Lot Socials are a kid-friendly way of saying you're important to us! So, on your way to your car after worship that morning, stop by the RedeemerKids signs in the parking lot for a treat and a quick visit. Bring the whole family!

  • What is the Family Team? 

    At Redeemer, we want to care well for your whole family, so our Nursery, Children's, and Youth Ministry staff work together as a team, thinking through the teaching and different age-level activities we offer as a whole each year.

    We want to help you as you reach and equip your children for Christ, beginning in their infant years, and then as they grow through elementary school and on into their youth-group years. We'd love for you and your children to come be a part of all we offer!

We also want to nurture fellowship among the many kids at Redeemer (and among their parents), through parent-child activities like our Father/Son Campouts, Mother/Daughter Days, and Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Nights of Fun. All are geared toward building a love for, and a sense of belonging to, the body of Christ before children graduate from our elementary ministry.


Throughout each school year, we celebrate Easter and Christmas at whole-family events and Vacation Bible School arrives as a don't-want-to-miss, fabulous week in June! In all we plan, we seek to be a part of children coming to know Christ, equipping them as they grow in faith, and giving them a love for the Lord’s church and a sense of his unfathomable love for them.



The safety of children is also very important at Redeemer, and each adult volunteer is required to complete both regular national background checks and training in a child-safety system designed to reduce the risk of child sexual abuse. 


We'd love to welcome you and your kids to Redeemer.

Watch for info about after-church Parking Lot Socials, and plan to drop by and say hi!

We'd love your family to join us at RedeemerKids!

With questions about our K5-5th grade ministry, contact
Jill Brannen, Children's Director