Our Story


Twenty years ago, Redeemer started as a small Bible study.

From there, we moved to the historic Firehouse on Prince Avenue, the Fire Hall at the Classic Center, and then, finally– the old Firestone Tire Building on Pulaski & Broad that we still call home.

We desire to be a church for the city of Athens. Redeemer is meant to be a place in which both Christians and non-Christians can grapple with the implications of the claim that Jesus was raised from the dead. C.S. Lewis writes,

“Christianity is either true and of infinite importance or not true and of absolutely no importance, but one thing Christianity can never be is moderately important.”

We hope that Redeemer might be a community where we can explore this claim.



Redeemer Presbyterian Church exists to bring the historic Christian faith to bear on Athens in the hope and expectation that as we proclaim the reality of the resurrected Christ, visible changes will occur in the quality of its spiritual, social, and material life. Redeemer is Kingdom focused, not church focused; Theologically driven, not strategy driven; Energized by Christ’s presence, not drained by church activities.

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). For a full statement of our beliefs, please refer to What We Believe



Our goals are Growth in Grace, Fellowship and Service, Evangelism and Missions, Biblical World and Life View & Doxological Evangelism (which is worship). Everything we do at Redeemer is filtered through the lens of these goals.



For fall 2020, worship will take place at both 9am and 11am, with nursery available at the 11am service. Please sign-up to join us!



Redeemer believes strongly in church planting. We desire that the people of our city will know the One True and Living God; that by the grace of Jesus through faithful churches He will be made known.  We are Kingdom-focused, not Redeemer-focused. As such, we pray fervently for our sister churches and hope that if God isn't calling you to Redeemer, that you would find your home at Resurrection or Good Shepherd. 

Redeemer Church Plants

Resurrection Presbyterian Church

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church