If you missed Todd Lowery’s letter to the church regarding the property updates in June, please find it below:

The summer has begun in full force and I am always thinking that things will slow down a little bit; I don’t know about you, but I’m not feeling it yet.  That, of course, is not all bad – it’s good to have things to do, good to have people around you who care, and good for us as a church to have lasting and important work to accomplish.  
            Jill Brannen, Liz Sherard, and many other volunteers are busy preparing (and praying) for Vacation Bible School (June 27-Jul 1). Wes Andrews, Morgan Gee, and others have a full schedule of events and activities for the youth. The pastors, staff, elders and deacons are working through and preparing the schedule for the upcoming fall (preaching schedules, Sunday school lessons, other calendar events like Kick-off Sunday [Aug 21], College Luncheon [Aug 28], and other dates for large group events, etc.). You will hear more about all these things as they get closer.  For now, I want to update you on a few things that I think are especially important.
            First, General Assembly, our denomination’s annual business meeting, will take place the week of June 20, 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama. The denomination’s pastors (teaching elders) and church leaders (Ruling Elders) gather to study, discuss, debate, and decide biblical and ministry issues. We have already scheduled an informational congregational meeting for Sunday, August 7, 2022 after the worship service, where, at a minimum, we will provide a summary of the actions discussed and taken at General Assembly.  We will also take this time to provide an update about church life and others things that may come up before then that we think are important.  
            Additionally, as you probably know, or can imagine, Redeemer is sometimes contacted by developers and real estate brokers who are interested in our property. Many of these go nowhere and simply fade away.  With that said, I do think it is important to inform you that our Property Planning Committee has been approached formally by a local real estate broker and developer with what could be a serious offer that might warrant consideration. I write all this somewhat reluctantly, wanting to balance the Session’s desire to be open alongside the importance of not giving potentially unnecessary or confusing information, especially considering details are partial at this time. Because of that, I think it’s best to limit our communication to what we know for certain to be true:

  • Presently, the Property Planning Committee has informed the Session of an interested party that would like to purchase our property (for a significant amount of money) with the potential of a new and available site that is also close to us and near the downtown area.

  • The committee has been tasked by the Session to have discussions with the appropriate real estate brokers and developers; the committee will then bring back and report any and all information to the Session. As details become more clear we will communicate any potential next steps to the congregation.

  • In light of the many unanswered questions at the present time, we want you to know we have set up an organized, formal process to address these type of property issues that continue to surface.

  • In the meantime, questions can be addressed to any member of the Property Planning Committee - Garry Todd (chairman), Jeff Allen (vice-chairman), Mid Ramsey, Josh Mickey, Morgan Gee, Alex Nunez, Ryan Miller, and Candice Treadway – or, as always, you can contact your Shepherding elder.

            Lastly, I want to encourage everyone to take advantage and make use of your Shepherding Groups. Your Shepherding Group is not only the ‘place’ where you can ask your elder and/or deacon questions, but it’s also where you can serve and be served.  Everyone in the church has a part to play in serving Christ and one another.  If you don’t know who else is in your shepherding group, ask your elder. If you don’t know your deacon, reach out to him and ask him how you might be able to help build relationships and encourage others. We need one another and want everyone to feel a part of what God is doing through his church. 
            There’s always a lot going on in and around Redeemer, summertime or not. The best way to stay connected is to come to church, be a part of church life, seek to serve others, and remember the promises of God. In light of this update, remember specifically the promise that the Lord our God goes before us and fights for us (Deut. 1:30); that he is faithful and will keep us from falling (Jude 24, 25); that Jesus Christ is our wisdom – our righteousness, sanctification, and our redemption (1 Cor 1:30). Please continue to pray for God’s work to be done at Redeemer and that we would be a faithful people always committed to the proclamation of the gospel.

For Christ and His Kingdom,
