FEBRUARY 21 + 22
In-Town at Redeemer

Registration for this year's women's retreat is open!  Join us at Redeemer on February 21st and 22nd as we dive into contentment with Cindy Young. 

The Apostle Paul famously found the secret of being content "whatever the circumstance," but for many women his experience feels foreign.  We spend much of our lives being certain that if only "X" would happen, we could finally be content. However, the Biblical picture of contentment has little to do with external circumstances and everything to do with what we believe about God. Join us as we consider the root of our discontentment and what it means to find our contentment in Christ alone.

Meals will be provided, along with a nursery for lap infants. 


February 21
6:00-6:30 Registration
6:30-7:30 Dinner
7:30 Session One

February 22
8:30-9:30 Breakfast
9:30 Session Two
11:30-3:00 Free Time
3:00-4:30 Session 3
4:30-5:00 Discussion Groups 
5:00-6:00 Dinner and Close


GENERAL QUESTIONS: Jessica Simon at jessicahardysimon@gmail.com.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Kristin Sigalas at ksigalas@redeemerathens.com